
An international peer-reviewed and refereed journal on machine learning.

Lattice publishes scholarly articles that come under the aim and scope of the journal. The article submitted for consideration must consist of new concepts, theories, methodologies, and applications that are unpublished. It considers articles from the following key areas of data science and machine learning.

Why Publish in Lattice?

Lattice offers authors with many flexibilities in publishing an article so that they can dive beyond the conventional academic frontiers. As a society publisher, everything we do is to support the data science and machine learning community.

We consider Lattice as a medium through which forward-looking innovations in machine learning can come to light. We provide an equal opportunity for the research community to access, cite, share and build on your research contributions.

At Lattice, we are committed to preserve the author’s authentic works and provide an unbiased platform for debate. We have a well-earned reputation for our excellence in design, innovation and publication integrity. For an author, it means access to a publisher that is dedicated to expressing one’s ideas and insights in an undiluted fashion, to as wide an audience as possible.

Article Types

Lattice generally does not pose any formal categorization of articles belonging to data science and machine learning. Although it is always open to publishing a wide range of research and academic artefacts, it requires those contributions to meet the editorial standards. Lattice welcomes research, exposition, technical notes, and non-traditional types of submissions.

What Lattice Reviews For

The quality is the most important parameter that we always strive to maintain and for this purpose, we review all the submitted contributions from three important angles. First, the significant advancement to the research community’s dialogue addressed through the contribution. Second, the potential of a contribution to communicating well with the audiences. Third, the scientific integrity of the contribution where the work is described in such a way that it matches the results, outcomes and objectives. Lattice maintains a defined review process through every submitted contribution has to pass for publication.

Writing a Lattice Article

The article should be written in the standard IEEE format and should be proofread carefully before submission. An article with good research outcomes having poor proofreading may have chances of not considered for publication. However, we do not put any restriction on the word count and article length, we recommend that it should not exceed 10 pages. The author should make sure that the same article must not have been submitted to any other publisher within the time it remains with Lattice. Any figure, diagram, the table included in the paper which is already published elsewhere must be cited properly. If the article demonstrates the outcome of any funded research project, the funding must be acknowledged.

The Lattice Review Process

The article submitted to Lattice goes through an initial screening first to match the aim and scope of the article with the aim and scope of the journal. After that, it goes through an open review process. The reports of the review process will be made available publicly. For review, the articles are sent to three reviewers in the matching field having an international presence in the research field.

The review process may take a minimum of thirty days’ time. It may take a long time as well depending on the quality of research and reviewer’s availability. The authors will be notified throughout the entire process. Generally, the majority of the review decisions will be the final decision of acceptance or rejection as suggested by the reviewers. Although the editor-in-chief’s decision will be the final decision that majorly depends on the review reports. The acceptance and rejection decisions will be notified to the authors through the email.

Conflicts of Interest

In case if an article is received by Lattice for publication where any of the members of the Latiice’s editorial team is an author/co-author, this case is considered as the conflict of interest. In this condition, any reputed member from the same research community will be appointed as a temporary acting editor. When this article gets published, the identity of this acting editor will be acknowledged publicly.

In the case of a prior relationship between the author of a submitted article and any member of the Lattice’s editorial team, the same will be disclosed in the review process.

Dual Submission Policy

Lattice welcomes dual submissions of articles in order to maintain flexibility and non-conventional publishing. With the dual submission feature, we maintain some categorizations and corresponding regulations of these types of submissions. The articles which are not published yet or the articles with the low-profile informal publication are always welcomed without any concern.

Along with that, Lattice also welcomes the extended and polished versions of the articles that are either presented in conferences or workshops or published on arXiv. The submissions made in these categories will only be considered for a formal publication following the aim and scope of Lattice. The prior publication or presentation of such articles must be informed correctly at the time of submission.

Ethics Concerns (eg. Plagiarism, Misconduct, etc.)

The publication of an article in Lattice is considered as a building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. The publication is a direct reflection of the quality of the contribution of an author and the organization that supports them. It is, therefore, necessary to adhere to certain standards of expected ethical behaviour. The important points that must be considered before submission are given below.
Authorship: Authorship should be limited to those persons only who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. Transparency about the contributions of authors is encouraged.
Originality and Plagiarism: The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, that this has been cited or quoted appropriately.
Data Access and Retention: Authors may be required to provide the raw data in connection with a paper for editorial review, and should be prepared to provide public access to such data.
Acknowledgement of Sources: Proper acknowledgement of the work of others must always be given. Any funding received for the research must also be acknowledged.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest: All submissions must include disclosure of all relationships with any member of the Lattice’s editorial team that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest.

Growing Lattice’s Team

Lattice always welcomes new potential members to its editorial team. To join Lattice as an editorial team member, one can demonstrate its research skills by writing an outstanding paper. This helps in understanding the person’s understanding about the Lattice’s aims and scopes and the capability to evaluate other’s research works. Before joining the team, the person will go through the interviews with the existing team members where the person’s potential to take the ownership and responsibilities for the growth of Lattice can be checked.

How to Submit?

Just write directly to

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