Certified Data Scientist - Associate Level

Get certified by ADaSci, the premier global professional body of data science and machine learning professionals, and get global recognition for your data science skills.

As the demand for data science professionals is increasing day by day, the number of applicants is increasing. Identifying the right candidates among a large number of applicants is a challenge for employers. To overcome this, there has always been a need for recognition that can help potential candidates to stand out from the crowd. This certification can be a solution in this situation that will help the candidates by giving them the right recognition of their knowledge and skills.

This certification is offered by the Association of Data Scientists (ADaSci), a premier global body of data science & machine learning professionals. Being a body of professionals, it understands the expectations of employers in the data science field. Keeping in view of this expectation, this certification program has been designed to help both sides. It helps the employers to identify the right talent in the market and it helps the candidates with a certified recognition of their data science skills.

Exam Overview

  • Format: Multiple choice questions
  • Total Questions: 100
  • Duration: 2 Hours
  • Delivery Mode: Online
  • Cost: 120 USD
  • Exam Availability: Throughout the Year
Candidate Guide and Exam Curriculum

Who Should Take this Exam?

This certification is best suitable for the aspirants who want to start their career in the data science field, this certification.


This certification will give its holders recognition for their required data science skills and knowledge.


As there is no eligibility requirement to take this certification, still the candidates planning to take this certification should have an intermediate level of knowledge of the required data science skills.

How to Prepare?

This is a self-study certification program where the candidates need to prepare themselves for the exam. The candidates are suggested to refer to the standard book in the data science and machine learning field and plan their preparation following the curriculum of this exam.

Candidates can also refer to Bootcamps and then follow the Assessments on MachineHack to prepare for this exam.

Receive the certificate after clearing the exam.
Register for Associate level Exam Now at $120

Are you an Experienced Data Scientist?

Go for Chartered Data Scientist™  (CDS) Accreditation. 

Certified Data Scientist is for early career professionals who are still to showcase significant industry experience. If you have more than 2 years of experience in data then opt-in for our Chartered Data Scientist™  Accreditation. 

Practice the Certified Data Scientist - Associate Level exam by taking a mock test

Frequently asked questions

Who can appear for this certification

A person who is looking for recognition in the data science field can appear and take this certification. This is a certification program offered by the premier global body of data science professionals and is best suitable for the aspirants who want to start their careers in the data science field.

What is the eligibility to appear for this certification (Age, Experience, Education)?

There are no fixed eligibility criteria for taking this certification. Anyone who is a data science aspirant can take this certification. There is no bound on age, educational qualification or working experience.

Does ADaSci provide the training for this certification exam Exam?

This is a self-paced and self-study certification program. ADaSci is a professional body of data science professionals and does not offer any course or training program. It can refer you to suitable learning resources to prepare well for this section.

Where can I study to prepare for this certification?

You can refer to Bootcamp courses and assessments on the MachineHack to prepare for this exam.

How can I register for this certification?

You can register for this certification exam online at any time by visiting this page on the ADaSci website. Only you need to create your account, pay the exam fees and select a date and time for the exam.

How early can I register for the exam?

You can register at any point in time and can schedule your exam for any further date. There is no such limit on days to register before the exam. Even a person can register one year in advance for the exam.

Is there any fixed schedule for this certification exam?

The ADaSci provides a lot of flexibility to the candidates willing to appear for this exam. Candidates can take this exam at any time throughout the years. There is no fixed schedule for the exam.

Where can I take the exam for this certification?

In order to provide flexibility to the candidates, this exam can be taken online from any place across the world, even from home. This is a complete online and web-proctored exam.

What is the duration and how many questions are there in the exam?

This exam is held for 2 hours and consists of 100 questions.

Is there any negative marking in this exam?

No, there is no negative marking in this exam.

What are the attempt limits to appear for this exam or, How many times one can appear for this certification?

There is no limit on attempts to take this exam. You can take it any number of times.

What are the topics of the questions in this certification exam?

You can visit this page on the ADaSci website to get the detailed curriculum including the topics.

When will I get the exam results?

You will get the exam results immediately after the exam.

What is the validity of this certification?

This certification has lifetime validity.

What is the refund policy?

No refund is provided after registering for the exam.

Can i reschedule the exam?

The exam once scheduled cannot be rescheduled. However, showing a valid reason such as a personal emergency, it can be rescheduled for one time only.