CDS Video Series | Sec 03. Exploratory Data Analysis


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Data Analysis is one of the must-have skills for a professional in the field of data science. This workshop will be suitable for those who want to master the concept of Data Analytics starting from the very basics to the advanced level. This full-day workshop will start from basics such as reading and analyzing data and will finish with a complete hands-on understanding of data analytics with a variety of visualization techniques.

Learning Outcomes:

  • In-depth understanding of data analysis techniques
  • Hands-on exposure to statistical analysis of data
  • Complete knowledge of different analysis methods with their importance
  • Hands-on experience with data visualization using Python


  • Knowledge of Python programming language
  • Basic Knowledge of Statistics
  • Familiarity with Jupyter/Colab Notebook


  • Jupyter Notebook / Google Colab
  • High-Speed Internet Connection


Our Expert Instructor:

Dr Vaibhav Kumar is currently working as Senior Director with The Association of Data Scientists (ADaSci). He brings a lot of experience in the field of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence. With a diverse background in industry and academics, he has led many Research and Development (R&D) activities in the field of AI. Having a PhD in Deep Learning, he has published many research papers in reputed journals and conferences and guided many scholars in their research works.